Titanic: Band of Courage

2014 • 58 minutu
10 iritzi
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Titanic: Band of Courage is the dramatic and inspiring story of the musicians on the great ship’s only voyage. In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912, eight brave bandsmen played on Titanic’s deck while the ship was sinking in a valiant effort to provide peace, calm and dignity to those facing certain death. Their story is told with expert commentary on the era, the ship, the bandsmen, archival photos, film, and letters as well as a presentation of the original recordings of music as it was performed on the Titanic.

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10 iritzi
Kaeleigh J
2014(e)ko azaroaren 20(a)
I am a huge Titanic fan and learned so much from this on the other side of your typical Titanic facts, I learned about the orchestra! Very informative, a lot of information but not too much that couldn't be retained and commentators were very much passionate about what they were speaking about! Highly recommend for a Titanic buff who is unfamiliar with Orchestra members histories!! Beautiful music through whole Documentary, I had tears at the end. Very well done, just loved it. A++++/5+ Stars
6 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Saniya R. Quinones
2020(e)ko uztailaren 13(a)
Eh, it was alright. I feel like the band didn't play THAT much of an important part in the Titanic's history. But, ya know, can't argue with what people wanna make into a documentary.
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Enrique Gmail . como Soto pliegoe
2015(e)ko abenduaren 30(a)
Etabien bonita
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