Top Gun: Maverick

2022 • 130 minut
322 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina, Francouzština (Francie), Kantonština, Čínština (tradiční), Španělština a Španělština (Latinská Amerika).

O tomto filmu

After more than thirty years of service as a top naval aviator, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot. Yet, Maverick must confront the ghosts of his past when he returns to TOPGUN to train a group of elite graduates and comes face to face with Lt. Bradshaw (Miles Teller), the son of his former wingman "Goose". Bitter rivalries ignite as the pilots prepare for a specialized mission which will require the ultimate sacrifice from those chosen to fly it.

Hodnocení a recenze

322 recenzí
27. srpna 2022
Sam Huang
29. srpna 2022
阿湯哥的經典神作續集,空戰場景緊張刺激 而且IMAX場景畫面很好看
23. října 2022
Absolutely gorgeous, the acting, the dogfights, emotions and of course nostalgia. Seldom people today use actual fighter jets to shoot dogfight movie.