Tragedy Girls

2017 • 98 minut
41 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

Best friends Sadie and McKayla are on a mission to boost their social media fandom as amateur crime reporters hot on the trail of a deranged local serial killer. After they manage to capture the killer and secretly hold him hostage, they realize the best way to up get scoops on future victims would be to, you know, murder people themselves. As the @TragedyGirls become an overnight sensation and panic grips their small town, can their friendship survive the strain of national stardom? Will they get caught? Will their accounts get verified?

Hodnocení a recenze

41 recenzí
Eyeball Master
6. června 2018
Best Teen Slasher flick since Scream as straight foward as it can get, amazing cast, amazing script a huge success at many atempts other directors have tried and failed myserably to create will never get over this movie must watch. #Briannahildebrand 💕
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Early Black
2. února 2018
To be transparent I was only able to watch about 20-25 minutes of this film then I couldn't take being tortured anymore. Do not rent this film and definitely do not buy it I wouldn't take it if it was for free. It is not funny it is not scary it is just a dumb ass movie.
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Daniel Huang
25. března 2018
Watched it in the theaters, enjoyed a lot. Very fresh, creative and funny. Recommended 100%. Go watch it.
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