Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

2009. • 149 минута
6,96 хиљ. рецензија
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О овом филму

The battle for Earth continues in this action-packed blockbuster from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg. When college-bound Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers he must accept his destiny and join Optimus Prime® and Bumblebee® in their epic battle against the Decepticons® who have returned stronger than ever with a plan to destroy our world.

Оцене и рецензије

6,96 хиљ. рецензија
Azure Fluff
20. мај 2015.
So aside a few racist remarks along with the "idiot lackey duo" clique robots perpetuating a racist stereotype (seriously, gold tooth?), this movie has Optimus Prime making useless commands when he can take out enemies by himself, but having a fake death scene twice. The human is useless and ONLY survives because he's the protagonist, and in the end a NEW dangerous tool is introduced as if to completely disregard that Cube that was mentioned from the very start. Just awful.
12 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Cory Wilson
19. октобар 2014.
Writers strike combined with paramount refusing to delay the movie and of course Micheal Bay created all the elements to make one of the biggest waste of 200 million dollars in history. Plot is terrible, inconsistencies with the first movie, mistakes, out of place humor, annoying jar jar Bink's characters in the twins, robot heaven, don't waste your time
5 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Google корисник
26. август 2012.
Screw critics. I Liked this movie a lot. Thought some characters were pointless though. Leo, not needed, megan fox, too different then the first but supposed to be a lot more sexier, autobot twins, dumb butts, and fallen, did nothing. The plot is complicated to understand but if you do, then you would enjoy movie. If you dont, you be scratching your head thinking what the heck just happened and what is this crap. I guess we r supposed to guess that the whole time they were working for the fallen even in 1st
59 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна