Transporter 3

2008. • 103 perc
991 vélemény
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Frank Martin has been pressured into transporting Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of Leonid Vasilev, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency for the Ukraine, from Marseilles through Stuttgart and Budapest until he ends up in Odessa on the Black Sea. Along the way, with the help of Inspector Tarconi, Frank has to contend with the people who strong armed him to take the job, agents sent by Vasilev to intercept him, and the general non-cooperation of his passenger. Despite Valentina?s cynical disposition and his resistance to get involved, Frank and Valentina fall for each other, while escaping from one life-threatening situation after another.
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

991 vélemény
jack pokrywka
2017. április 17.
Almost anything with Jason statham is good, but it would have been such a better movie if they would have chosen a good looking girl, like the first transporter movie. I also really wish she wouldn't have been Ukrainian.
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Abimael Turcios
2017. november 24.
The movie was ok not the best like the first two movies. Also why put the girl on the cover of the movie with two weapons on her hand and when I saw the movie she never touched a single weapon at all I would have really loved the girl to kick ass in the movie like the girl in the second installment did.
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Egy Google-felhasználó
2012. augusztus 21.
Must say even with this being a third installment it wasn't bad. Frank ending up with a bipolar Ukrainian, fish loving, partying, ministers daughter? Seemed like bad closure to the 2 movies prior.
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