Turbo Kid

2015年 • 92 分钟
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Set in the Wasteland of a post apocalyptic parallel future of 1997, an orphaned teenager named The Kid is scavenging for relics when he befriends a mysterious girl. Yet, when she is kidnapped by Zeus, the tyrannical leader of the Wasteland who murdered The Kid’s parents, The Kid must face his ultimate destiny: destroy Zeus, avenge his parents' death and get the girl of his dreams.


Eyeball Master
Good, eye can see what they were trying to do here, and maybe with a bigger budget they could have taken it to the next level and do the movie some justice, something about the settings they picked didn't quite feel right it messed up the whole atmosphere of the movie, other than that eye have no complaints!
Jeff Olson
"This is the future. This is 1997." Everything about this film, from start to finish, radiates joy. The world is so truly bleak that watching The Kid and Apple play tag is cathartic, restorative, and adorable. You will root for them, you will cry with them, and you will wonder where you can get a set of rainbow elbow and knee pads of your own. If you like Tank Girl, if you were enchanted by Zombieland, or if you've ever wished Waterworld were as funny as the Fifth Element. This movie is more charming than a Disney flick, and gorier than the Evil Dead franchise.
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Combining 90's retro nostalgia and a gore flick, how can you go wrong? The score is amazing and the actors were perfect in their role. Simplicity is often the key to a great movie that focuses strongly on its theme and Turbo Kid hit the nail on the head. Bravo!!