Twilight In Forks

2010 • 83 minút
23 recenzií
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Tento film

Twilight in Forks is The definitive documenting the town of Forks made famous by the Twilight books and movies. Since the Twilight movies weren't filmed in the real Forks, this is your opportunity to see the town that Stephenie Meyer based her epic teen romance books on. Are there truly vampires and werewolves there? Hear from the real people living their lives in the town fans know and love, including the Chief of Police, the Forks Outfitters' employee who gets mistaken for Bella, and the vampire transplant who plays the real-life role of Alice. Visit Forks High School, hear self-described Jacob's grandfather tell the legend of how the Quileutes descended from wolves, and see many more of the people and places that make Forks and La Push the perfect setting for the Twilight Saga.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

23 recenzií
Nancy Rizzo
11. septembra 2020
Beautiful true love story!!!
david mcbride
12. marca 2015
Dislikes. It
Selenia Flores
27. októbra 2013
It is so cool.