Coiled Steel
- Märgi sobimatuks
- Kuva arvustuse ajalugu
Stephen Spielberg should have been tried for Manslaughter for his VERY avoidable, unsafe Helicopter, "Accident" - that killed Vic Morrow, and those poor Vietnamese children! The horror! Please research the background of this crazy dangerous Helicopter "Stunt," and see WHY it NEVER should've been even attempted!😟
11 inimese arvates oli see arvustus kasulik
Christian Bradshaw
I haven't seen this movie as many times as Creepshow, but love it all the same. John Lithgow, Kathleen Quinlan and Vic Morrow (RIP) did an awesome job in this underrated classic. Worth buying or renting.
Grinning Shadow
This movie has everything a horror anthology should have! Practical effects, great acting, and most importantly a great director! Well, great directors! I highly recommend this movie! I really hope you liked it as much as me!:-D