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Two Weeks Notice

2002 • 101 daqiqa
333 ta sharh
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Bu film haqida

Lucy Kelson is a Chief Counsel for the Wade Corporation - she's a brilliant lawyer with a sharp, strategic mind. She also has an ulcer and doesn't get much sleep. It's not the job that's getting to her. It's her boss, George Wade. After one year of calling the shots-on everything from his clothes to his divorce settlements - Lucy Kelson is calling it quits.

Reytinglar va sharhlar

333 ta sharh
Claudia Brigita
7-oktabr, 2015
Lucy kelson and George wade is indescribable, funny, brutal, honest, smart, and stupid at the same time, the first movie that makes me fall in love with her, and and their dialogue in this movie is really great, witty, ughh,,, the real and the best romantic comedy ever.. 😍😍😍😍
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Terry Reyes.
24-fevral, 2016
Bullock y Grant hacen buen click..! Para nada aburrida...!
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Aziza Omonova
19-iyun, 2021
Vapshe musor kinoki bu. Tvdan quyib sikib yuboradi. 🤣🤣
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