UFO Chronicles: Pilot Encounters and Underground Bases

2013 • 87 минут
9 шүүмж
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UFO experts discuss extraterrestrial phenomena including a 300 foot UFO that traveled 10,000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second while on radar; evidence that we are being visited by entities from other worlds; and underground bases and tunnels.

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9 шүүмж
Christopher Bragg
2013 оны долоодугаар сарын 21
If I needed 3 of the most boring guys in the world to tell me about UFOs this is it. My god where on earth did your movie idea come from. Given this is supposedly a documentary but I swear I've seen better youtube videos made by stoned college kids. Waste of an hour of my life.
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Mjkael K
2013 оны долоодугаар сарын 7
These shows always seem to show pictures taken by Billy Meier but the so called experts never talk about the Meier case because he refused to give exclusive rights to his story to a single ufo expert. So they lied and descredited Meier as a fraud. Thus the only real verifiable contactee is now considered the biggest ufo fraud in history simple because the ufo community refuses to let Meiers case put them out of money and prestige. Especially since Meier gives all his photos and contact notes freely to anyone willing to look past the real coverup by the ufo community. Real ufo exposure would hurt the bottom line and expose them as they really are.liars!
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