
२०२० • ९४ मिनेट
९४ समीक्षाहरू
PG -13
यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्
तपाईंको भाषामा न त अडियो न उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌। अङ्ग्रेजी,अरबी, आइसल्यान्डियाली, इटालेली, इन्डोनेसियाली, इस्टोनियन, काजाख, कोरियाली, क्रोयसियाली, खमेर, ग्रीक, चिनियाँ (परम्परागत), चिनियाँ (सरलिकृत चिनियाँ), चेक, जर्मन, जापानी, टर्किश, डच, डच (बेल्जियम), डेनिस, थाई, नर्वेली, पोर्तुगी, पोर्तुगी (ब्राजिल), पोलिस, फिनिस, फ्रान्सेली, फ्रान्सेली (क्यानाडा), बर्मेली, बुल्गेरियाली, भियतनामी, मङ्गोलियाली, मलाय, युक्रेनी, रसियाली, रोमानियाली, लाओ, लात्भियाली, लिथुआनियाली, सर्बियाली, स्पेनी, स्पेनी (ल्याटिन अमेरिका), स्लोभाकियाली, स्लोभेनियाली, स्विडिस, हङ्गेरियाली, हिन्दी र हिब्रु मा उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌।

यस चलचित्रका बारेमा

A crew of underwater researchers must scramble to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory.
PG -13

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

९४ समीक्षाहरू
२०२० सेप्टेम्बर २
Disappointing. It wasn't infuriatingly awful the way Alien Covenant was, but there's not much to redeem this aside from being... not the worst movie out there. Fun effects and the occasional tense scene can't bring this back from being a very weak, hard to enjoy failure. I really wanted to love this, but even after watching it twice, I can't find enough positives to even like it.
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
Belell Kaeh
२०२१ डिसेम्बर २६
Definitely worth a rental. Its a monster story but then director is smart enough to never take the focus off the people in danger. One of Stewarts better performances. The pacing really keeps the energy of the story going.
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
Kuanhung Chen
२०२० डिसेम्बर ७
Fantastic film. The action started seconds into the film's opening and the tension doesn't end until the last second. It's rare to see a horror film doesn't rely on jump scares, especially for a smaller budget films with very limited casts, but Underwater accomplished it beautifully. The final unveil of the film was such a shocking revelation, it reframed the entire film. This film uses "show, don't tell" technique to tell the story of the world, the lab, and the main character without having to explicitly pointing things out to the viewers. Underwater is definitely my favorite horror film of the year.
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?

यस चलचित्रको मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहोस्

हामीलाई आफ्नो धारणा बताउनुहोस्।