Urban Legends: Bloody Mary

2005 • 93 minutu
92 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

Three teens chant an incantation, unleashing a deadly spirit. Is it all a prank taken to gruesome extremes or has a murdered homecoming queen returned from the grave to wreak vengeance? (Original Title - Urban Legends: Bloody Mary) © 2005 NPP Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

92 iritzi
Lap Dancer
2023(e)ko maiatzaren 10(a)
I couldn't remember if I'd seen this Urban Legends film, so I rented it. Now I know why I forgot that I'd seen it. It's somewhere between 'meh' and 'okay'. The story is blah and doesn't move well at all. Kate Mara's crooked hair part annoyed me so much. It's not intentionally crooked either, just how her hair falls and it's really sad. Only watch this if you want to check off the whole Urban Legends trilogy.
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David Crosby
2016(e)ko abuztuaren 10(a)
this movie keeps pausing and stopping but its a great movie urban legaends allways origiaiant from a real life event. Bloody Mary is real
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2017(e)ko otsailaren 10(a)
The cheesiest dumbest movie ever made
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