Johan Malmsten
Following up on Get Out must be hard. And. I get that they wanted a slightly different story. This one, while bigger in scope, feels more sloppily held together. The premise is interesting as heck. But by the halfway point pretty much all the urgency and dread is yanked out and we follow a story that kind if wanders aimlessly until the end where the final twist is almost Shyamalan in its clunky execution...
1.689 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig
Daniel Mubarakshyn
Почти я тоже смотрел на ужаси не тянет но задумка била многообещающяя с первих секунд фильма и трейлера все ишло на 5 звезд а вот средина и конец 1 звезда так что 2 звезди будет логическое решение.
355 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig