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2019 • 125 минут
712 отзывов
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)
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Астронавт Рой Макбрайд отправляется к дальним границам Солнечной системы, чтобы найти своего пропавшего отца и разгадать тайну, которая угрожает жизни на нашей планете.
Возрастные ограничения
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

712 отзывов
Lajos Nagy
16 декабря 2019 г.
*SPOILERS* Total disgrace. The director must have had a vision of 'father-son melodrama' with sci-fi only as an afterthought. And it shows. Science is abused, assaulted, and abandoned in service of an asinine plot, which, to be honest, MAKES NO SENSE. Where do I begin? Well, why not make a list? - Tommy Lee Jones shot all his scenes in one day, most likely. Wearing his favorite 30 year old dirty sweaters. He looked like he just got out of bed (and had a toothache). - There are pirates (PIRATES!) on the Moon. Where do they come from? We don't know. (Mind you, the Moon's surface is not like the sea: the tracks you leave stay there for eternity. So if I want to follow you back where you come from ... you get my drift.) - Donald Sutherland (at 84!!!), plays an ACTIVE astronaut. I mean, COME ON. And no, he's not pulled out of retirement for 'this last mission'. He's totally wasted, by the way. - Brad Pitt FLIES to MARS to send a voice mail to dad. Why he can't just do this using his smart phone while sitting on the can is anyone's idea. - The commander of the station on MARS is 37-year-old short-haired exotic model dressed in clothes that she must have ordered from Goop. I'm all for diversity, but she looked so out of place and unbelievable that I first thought she was there for a Yoga lesson. - Brad Pitt is depressed throughout and looks one drink away from a three day bender. Avoid at all cost.
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Joel Stolarski
10 марта 2020 г.
Ad Astra.. got bad reviews by alot of you on here, I can't agree. I found it to be probably as close to what it will be life in space will be like in the near future. It is here now and in a couple of years there will be alot more people going up. Shame that only select few get a chance to go. Not all engineers and scientific types are trade minded or craft minded at all. Alot lack imagination ie: Without Wright Brothers we would still be sitting here on earth,with our thumbs up our asses.
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Nat Turner
16 октября 2019 г.
Dull. Wasted effort by Pitt and Jones who could have done so much more with a better script. The surprise at the end was inconsequential by the time this snoozer wrapped up. Main issue is the film never decided if it was slick sci-fi, mystery, inspirational exploration or drama around relationships. It straddled so many themes when it should have focused on one and gone straight ahead vs. the hop scotch all over the place.
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