
2008年 • 120分
126 件のレビュー
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At the height of WWII, a group of German officers hatched a plot to assassinate Hitler and seize control of the military command in order to end the war. The operation was code-named 'Valkyrie', for the emergency plan that was meant to be used in case of a revolt against the Nazi government. This plan had been modified by the conspirators to ensure their success, but for various reasons the plot failed when finally carried out on 20 July 1944. The conspirators of the inner circle were shot after a kangaroo trial or sentenced to death soon after.


126 件のレビュー
Rosauro Azarcon Jr.
Espionage to end the 2nd world war and end adolf hiler. The executioner is tom cruise and the plotter. The mission fail and the kangaroo government fail their mission. Tom cruise was ececuted by musketry or firing squad. Thaks for the movie trail and it wasa best movie that i ever see.n
28 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Juan David Martinez
Es una película muy buena se la recomiendo a todas las personas que les guste la historia en especial la historia NAZI .Esta película me dio a conocer que en la Alemania Nazi no todo el mundo estaba a favor de Hitler y que el más noble puede llegar a ser el más recordado y admirado. También me gusta esta película porque representa algo de mi
22 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Šimon Láznička
It was a different face to war cause other film are about battle between enemy sides not about sabotage and that is main thing what i like on this and same is the reason why i think u should to look on it.
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