Vampire in Brooklyn

1995. • 102 perc
240 vélemény
17 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

As the vampire Maximillian, the popular star is the most diabolical, dashing and definitely undead dude in the 'hood'. To add to the macabre fun, Murphy morphs into two other must-see characters: a paunchy preacher and a fast talking thug. Angela Bassett ( The Score) plays the cop whose world is rocked by Maximillian's attempts to make her his mate for eternity.
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

240 vélemény
Kevin the Cleric
2022. március 4.
Fun Fact - this was meant to be a horror, but Eddie had a super hard time being serious. So, Wes Craven basically said "!@#$ IT! Let's just make a comedy!" and this little gem came out of it. If you were taking this movie seriously, you totally missed the point. This was a chance for Eddie Murphy to break out of comedy, but this man can't help but be funny. I enjoyed this flick but it is far from perfect. It is just fun, so have some fun
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Pauline Buechele
2015. augusztus 1.
I have seen this movie multiple times and I get so caught up into the movie. Whatever movie that Eddie Murphy is in there WILL be some kind of comdey put into place. Also loved how he also played as other characters in the movie. But anyways if you love Vampire flicks and enjoy watching Eddie Muphy as a comedian then this movie is right for you.
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Shay Pullet
2014. december 1.
When I first watched this movie I fell in love with Eddie Murphy, Allen Payne, and Kadeem Hardison!
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