
2012 • 92 minút
271 recenzií
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Tento film

Two socialite vampires (Krysten Ritter of TV's DON'T TRUST THE B*** IN APARTMENT 23 and Alicia Silverstone of CLUELESS) live the good life in New York City. Their lives become complicated when they fall in love with two men while simultaneously being pursued by vampire hunters. Each must make a choice that will jeopardize their immortality. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Dan Stevens (DOWNTON ABBEY), Richard Lewis (TV's CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM), Sigourney Weaver (TV's POLITICAL ANIMALS), Wallace Shawn (THE PRINCESS BRIDE), Justin Kirk (TV's WEEDS), and Malcolm McDowell (A CLOCKWORK ORANGE).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

271 recenzií
Myonia Jackson
8. júna 2013
I loved this movie not to be a spoil but didn't like someone had to die I wish for a sequal but who know what it will be about I really say watch this if you like warm bodies or vampires suck or just like teenage girl vampire movies its very spucky I love the flash back sences to make it more understanding on why (someone died) very good movie my judge ment is your can't make it better
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19. novembra 2012
So bad. This is the Clueless meets twilight meets a very bad story. 2 stars because i had to know how it would end.
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Tiffany ‚Tiki‘ Heiss
15. decembra 2012
Great to watch with your girlfriends! Keeps the giggles coming.
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