YouTube не Google TV-де фильмдер жалға алыңыз не сатып алыңыз
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Waiting for "Superman"

2010 • 111 минут
79 пікір
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

From the Academy Award-winning Director of An Inconvenient Truth comes the groundbreaking feature film that provides an engaging and inspiring look at public education in the United States. Waiting For "Superman" has helped launch a movement to achieve a real and lasting change through the compelling stories of five unforgettable students such as Emily, a Silicon Valley eighth-grader who is afraid of being labeled as unfit for college and Francisco, a Bronx first-grader whose mom will do anything to give him a shot at a better life. Waiting For "Superman" will leave a lasting and powerful impression that you will want to share with your friends and family.
Дөрекі сөздер

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