Chris Rollins
This was fantastic! From the first scene to the last I was in astonishment at the hyper-realistic plot, the deep characters who really developed, the amazing physics at work! One of the defining films of my generation. Usually I'm disgusted at how Hollywood makes everything so over the top, cheesy, and unrealistic, but this is a masterpiece. Such an original idea too, with such artistic and moving direction, I cannot recommend this enough. My only complaint is it felt a tad short at just shy of two hours.
14 ຄົນພົບວ່າຄຳຕິຊົມນີ້ເປັນປະໂຫຍດ
Kevin W. Clark
Did the writers take a holiday from reality? It's difficult to watch a movie that goes so far beyond reality when its based in our world physics. Guns don't work like that. The pressure behind the bullet far exceeds the pressure behind the swing of your arm meaning where ever the gun is aimed at the time of the bullet exiting the barrel is where the bullet is going.
9 ຄົນພົບວ່າຄຳຕິຊົມນີ້ເປັນປະໂຫຍດ
Mic Mell
So here's the really honest review you want to read. It's short. This movie is pretty great for the genre. The plot gets more and more implausible, and it's kind of nose holding "suspend your disbelief." As far as a good action movie with a cute premise, this is spot on. A "one time must see," but not likely something you'll wear out.