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War Horse

2011. • 146 минута
577 рецензија
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О овом филму

From legendary director Steven Spielberg comes the epic adventure War Horse, a tale of incredible loyalty, hope and tenacity. Based on the Tony award-winning Broadway play, and set against the sweeping canvas of World War I, this deeply heartfelt story begins with the remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and his young trainer Albert. When they're forced apart by war, we follow Joey's extraordinary journey as he changes and inspires the lives of everyone he meets. War Horse is a "Genuine Movie Masterpiece" and one of the most powerful and moving stories of friendship ever told.

Оцене и рецензије

577 рецензија
Samisoni Qaqa
10. март 2015.
Incredible,as we can see the special bond between the two...and as its alway says that animal are the best friends of people but we humans have to take the first step...
21 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Google корисник
6. октобар 2017.
Hola tengo flash y quiero que amarres tu juego tu película y tu música en video y tus cuentos ponga Mi opinión es que mándame los vídeo y música y películas ,juego eso es mi opinión Mándame por fuego fuego tengo flash Dame fuego fuego
7 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
2. мај 2019.
did you know that in ww1 the word "tank" is actually a code name for the armoured vehicle that they are producing at that time so that the enemies wouldn't know what it is