War of the Dead

2012 • 86 minút
7 recenzií
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Tento film

March 1942. Captain Martin Stone leads an American unit on a mission to destroy an enemy bunker, joining forces with an elite platoon of soldiers. But when the troops find themselves being attacked by the same enemy soldiers they had killed in an earlier ambush, they quickly begin to question who exactly the enemy is... an SS experiment gone wrong or the living dead? © 2011 Lithuanian Film Studios/Media One. All Rights Reserved.

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7 recenzií
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3. júna 2012
If you like splatter zombie movies, you'll love this. Not much of a plot to the movie, with lots of zombie attack scenes
Používateľ služieb Google
3. júna 2012
A brilliant film!!! Especially for those who like playing on the x-box on shooting games. It has a bit of a twist to it aswell. Defiantly worth the money.
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29. augusta 2012
Very bad movie! Not even a true zombie film!!!!!!