Chris Price
I first saw this at a midnight release in my local cinema having seen the trailer & thinking that it looked really good, I was mistaken. The trailer was the best part & having seen it many times in the run up to the film release I find the actual film to be boring & just plain crap. I watched it again in the past few years, but my view was waiting to be changed, it wasn't. Will not watch it again.
7 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Tom Hayward
Really good film. Had never read the comic (to my shame) but thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It's pretty long and for me, I enjoyed it more on the 2nd and 3rd viewing.
Mohsin Mehmood
Zack Snyder was and is always ahead of his time. I wish the director's cut was on the Google playstore!! His adaptation of the comic book is spot-on and more. Zack is definitely pushed the boundaries on this one. I guess you can say he never compromised, not even in the face of Armageddon? A really well thought out and in-depth movie that positively reflects on the comic book. If you get the chance to watch the director's cut I highly recommend!