We Need to Talk About Kevin

২০১১ • ১১২ মিনিট
২৮৪টি রিভিউ
ওয়েব ব্রাউজার বা ব্যবহারযোগ্য ডিভাইসে দেখুন আরও জানুন
আপনার ভাষায় অডিও কিংবা সাবটাইটেল উপলব্ধ নয়। অডিও ইংরেজি ভাষায় আছে।

এই সিনেমার বিষয়ে

Kevin's mother struggles to love her son, with the increasingly vicious things he says and does as he grows up testing her emotions. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined.

রেটিং ও পর্যালোচনাগুলি

২৮৪টি রিভিউ
Brian Clarke
১৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬
This is a fantastic film. The acting is superb and it is a very fine movie. The first 20 odd mins is a little drawn out but when it gets into the grip of things its an absolute must see, just how this young man became so sinister and disturbed I do not know, it could have been depicted a little better in the film. But its a superb film nonetheless.
Jonas Helweg-Mikkelsen
১৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৭
After watching this movie I got terribly bad and started to throw up in the garbage disposal. It turned out I eat the pillow from the couch because I lost focus on my food which was the root cause. After going to the doctor it turned out that the pillow had a zipper which was stuck in my stomach. To get it out I needed a operation which there was a 2 week wait time on. Thanks good my uncle knew a handyman at the local school who took me in for alternative treatments. Today I can't eat candy - DONT BUY THIS MOVIE!
৪ জন এই রিভিউ সহায়ক বলে মনে করেছেন
১২ জুন, ২০১৬
This film will blow your mind away, leaving a big vacant space where you brains were and another where you heart used to beat. Don't watch it with family. The only other movie that left me speechless was Intermission but this is the most far out movie I have ever seen and I have see Martyrs!