Welcome to Leith

2015 • 86 minút
14 recenzií
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Tento film

Welcome to Leith chronicles the attempted takeover of a small town in North Dakota by notorious white supremacist Craig Cobb. As his behavior becomes more threatening, tensions soar, and the residents desperately look for ways to expel their unwanted neighbor. With incredible access to both longtime residents of Leith and white supremacists, the film examines a small community in the plains struggling for sovereignty against an extremist vision.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

14 recenzií
Your assasin
4. júla 2016
They're so retarded with they're stupid flags all that nonsense. Them talking about genocide of the Jews isn't shocking or intimidating, it's hallarious it's like "haha get the f*** outta here, I hope you die"
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