Welcome to Marwen

2018 • 115 minutos
6 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Academy Award® winner Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Castaway) brings Welcome to Marwen, a bold, wondrous and timely film that is a miraculous true story of one broken man's fight as he discovers how artistic imagination can restore the human spirit. When a devastating attack leaves Mark Hogancamp (Steve Carell) shattered and without his memory, no one expected recovery. But by putting together pieces from his old and new life, Mark meticulously creates a wondrous fantasy world, where he draws strength to triumph in the real one. His astonishing art installation becomes a testament to the powerful women who support him on his journey.

Valoracións e recensións

6 recensións
Henry Benjamin
10 de xuño de 2019
sensational film highly recommended fun and heart warming
Dean McMullen (Wulffehound)
9 de xuño de 2019
Good movie based on a true story. Enjoyable.
10 de maio de 2019
the movie was exellent