Werner Herzog film collection: The Enigma of Kasper Hauser

1974 • 109 минут
6 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
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Информация о фильме

Herzog's film is based upon the true and mysterious story of Kaspar Hauser, a young man who suddenly appeared in Nuremberg in 1828, barely able to speak or walk, and bearing a strange note; he later explained that he had been held captive in a dungeon of some sort for his entire life that he could remember, and only recently was he released, for reasons unknown. His benefactor attempts to integrate him into society, with intriguing results.

Оценки и отзывы

6 отзывов
Susan Florence
3 июня 2015 г.
No movie comes close to it. No painting comes close. It's unique and deeply universal, while remaining inexplicable. It is poetry in moving pictures.
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