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Wes Craven's New Nightmare

1994 • 112 minutos
519 recensións
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Director Wes Craven and his cast star as themselves in this wicked spin on the Horror Genre. Key players from earlier Nightmare on Elm Street installments are terrorized by Freddy Krueger and his razor-fingered glove as he crosses over into their offscreen lives. MPAA Rating: R

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519 recensións
2 de febreiro de 2019
THIS MOVIE WILL piss you off... Like the decisions that should be made in certain situations that I would call common sense (I'm using common sense where by using their personal history with freddy vrs how all the people before actually did something, they didn't just sit there and do nothing all the time.) Which is really what this movie is all about. For instance, being in her position, knowing and doing everything she did before to fight to survive. It's like they purposely told her to be stupid, so stupid that when her kid starts talking like freddy, and recieves several warnings that he's coming back, you'd think she'd be balls deep in either trying to get everyone to forget him, or balls deep into figuring out why, how, and how to stop it. Alas it's like ripping your hair out frustrating and in all honestly, not worth the hassle. Unless you have some time to set aside in the waste bin.
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27 de xullo de 2016
This movie is a return to form for the slasher genre. It brought meta humor into horror movies that were later used in movies like "Scream". The acting and performances in this movie are decent and the look of Freddy looks kinda dated at this point. Not the best Freddy movie, but it's a good entry. The kid in the movie is annoying and the visual effects look like something a kid would make on Windows Movie Maker. (B+)
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Up All Nite- Original Music
27 de xullo de 2017
I like this one. This is where the try to make Freddy scary again and kind of succeeds. However the story doesn't continue what the previous 6 films did. It takes place in our world and you have characters from previous installments as well as the original Nightmare on elm street start Heather who comes back as herself and begins realizing that the Elm Street movies are all too real and were created from Wes Cravens own nightmares.
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