Wet Hot American Summer

2001 • 96 minutos
480 recensións
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It's the last day of Camp Firewood's season, but there's still time for the big talent show, a little romance... and for everyone to be wiped out by the piece of NASA's Skylab that's hurtling toward Earth. David Wain (Role Models) directs Paul Rudd (Knocked Up), Elizabeth Banks (The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Amy Poehler (Baby Mama), Molly Shannon (Saturday Night Live), and David Hyde Pierce (Frasier) in the romp Michael Agger at The New Yorker calls "hilarious!" As AintItCool.com claims, "imagine your American Pie and Scary Movie type teen film with a great cast, a hysterical and far wittier script, and tongue planted firmly in cheek" and you have Wet Hot American Summer!

Valoracións e recensións

480 recensións
Patsfan 4life
23 de maio de 2016
Unfortunately this is a very silly movie with only a few occasional moments of nostalgia and some laughs here and there but many very slap sticky moments as well. I would say the most interesting part of the movie is seeing Paul Rudd and Bradley Cooper and that guy from Law and Order SVU in some very silly acting roles early in their careers.
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Devon Canal
26 de xuño de 2015
Lauded by its viewers, misunderstood by its critics, this movie is a wet hot comedic masterpiece. With every comedian firing on all cylinders, and odd, offbeat humor that's uncommon as it is satirical, it's praise and upcoming Netflix prequel are well deserved.
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Bobby Foster
13 de xaneiro de 2015
Every movie has its critics. Whatever. I love this movie, it really speaks to me since I grew up with all the camp movies from the 80's and 90's. Watch it... Love it... Or move on and go fondle some sweaters.
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