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What Dreams May Come

1998 • 113 daqiqa
97 ta sharh
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr. star in this visual masterpiece about a man determined to find his damned wife in the afterlife so they can share eternity together.
Yoshga oid cheklov
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

Reytinglar va sharhlar

97 ta sharh
Anthony Shaw
20-avgust, 2015
I found the movie verey heart warming and i found it sad as it's about a man who is a docter and how his wife sufferd with depreshion and how they lost there kids in a car accsident so then the wife comits suicide then the husband gets killed in a car accident as the wife goes to hell for killing herself and Robbin williams goes to hell to retreve his wife thete for i give it a five star EXSELENT MOVIE A MUST WATCH
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Liliana Zamora
21-dekabr, 2020
Me llore casi toda la pelicula😭 es muy hermosa y la parte que mas me gusto fue cuando una china mestisa y un morocho ellos eran los hijos de el pero se reencarnaron en otras personas y despues ve a la mujer en el cielo😢☺️🤗😍
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Rosa Calderón
29-sentabr, 2015
Llore con esta pelicula, se trata de un esposo que trata de recuperar a su esposa que se suicido por la perdida irreparable de sus hijos en un accidente de transito, es decir atraveso el inframundo y la pudo recuperar, todo lo que se logracon el amor verdadero...
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