What Dreams May Come

1998 • 113 minutu
1270 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr. star in this visual masterpiece about a man determined to find his damned wife in the afterlife so they can share eternity together.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

1270 iritzi
Jonathon Turner
2021(e)ko maiatzaren 13(a)
Movies like this and The Fall, are pretty emotional. I was married, lost my wife and son of my own fault. I was too young and couldn't appreciate having a connection with someone and as I get older I really find myself looking back at simple moments in my life that hold such weight that I disregarded. This film is visually beautiful and the cast all do a wonderful part to convey the emotion behind simple actions. In our world now with sensless killings I try to always be honest about loved ones
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Nikki Stone
2016(e)ko irailaren 8(a)
Always liked this movie. After losing my fiancé almost 4 years ago and talking about a dream I had the other night about him to my oldest daughter, who's never seen it, we're going to watch it together!! Going to love it this next go round!
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Sal M
2015(e)ko irailaren 15(a)
This movie still haunts me with its beauty and deep emotion. The love his wife and the love of his children are portrayed with amazing power. It is painful to think of his acting and what he must've felt. Mr. Williams, you were a talent that is like no other. You made this film what it is. A masterpiece. Very passionate story. Nothing compares to it.
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