What Maisie Knew

2013 • 98 minút
95 recenzií
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Tento film

WHAT MAISIE KNEW is a contemporary New York City revisioning of the Henry James novella by the same name, written by Carroll Cartwright and Nancy Doyne. It revolves around unwitting 7-year-old Maisie, caught in the middle of a custody battle between her mother Suzanna, an aging rock star, and her father, Beale, a major art dealer.
In a race to win the court's advantage, Beale marries Maisie's nanny Margo, prompting Suzanna in turn to marry friend and local bartender, Lincoln. Both forced into a battle neither wishes to be a part of, Margo and Lincoln come to empathize with Maisie's position and over time with one another's. Teased by the notion of making their own surrogate family, the trio must either submit to the will of Maisie's parents or eventually face their wrath. (Original Title - What Maisie Knew) © 2013 MAISIE KNEW, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

95 recenzií
Asees Hera
15. decembra 2015
I loved this film. Initially I only watched the movie because I'm a fan of Alexander skarsgard ( He's in trueblood) . But it's a great movie we as audiences get to see how it truly feels for a child who only wants love but only gets fights. All cast acting is so good that you feel like your not an audience but instead a family member or friend. It's a tale of hopelessness of a child, two adults that are being used and are also unwilling a part of the child being tortured.
Adam T
10. októbra 2015
Far, far better than I imagined. Excellent performances from the entire cast and a beautifully engaging script. In one or two respects slightly sanitised for the purposes of accessibility and narrative fluidity, but nonetheless an emotionally intelligent and spiritually uplifting film which benefited hugely from its' extremely gifted and sensitive cast.
Mae Snow
21. januára 2014
I watched this on Netflix several times, it never gets boring and you can feel the heartbreak and impact of what a child sees that you may not realize. Would recommend it to anyone!