While We're Young

2015 • 97 minutes
45 avis
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À propos de ce film

Josh and Cornelia Srebnick are happily married middle-aged members of New York's creative class. They tried to start a family and were unable to - and have decided they're okay with that. But as Josh labors over the umpteenth edit of his cerebral new film, it's plain that he has hit a dry patch and that something is still missing. Enter Jamie and Darby, a free-spirited young couple, who are spontaneous and untethered, ready to drop everything in pursuit of their next passion - retro board games one day, acquiring a pet chicken the next. For Josh, it's as if a door has opened back to his youth - or a youth he wishes he once had. It's not long before the restless forty-somethings, Josh and Cornelia, throw aside friends their own age to trail after these young hipsters who seem so plugged in, so uninhibited, so Brooklyn cool. "Before we met," Josh admits to Jamie, "the only two feelings I had left were wistful and disdainful." But is this new inspiration enough to sustain collaboration and friendship with a couple twenty years their junior? 2015 A24 / Scott Rudin Productions.

Notes et avis

45 avis
Sas Lyon
3 janvier 2016
We enjoyed this. Wasn't a show stopper but Driver plays a great pest and we like Stiller more the older we get.
Kerrie Noble
28 août 2015
Expected alot being Ben Stiller but it wasn't that good.
Veronica Devine
17 avril 2017
Very uninspiring! 😧