White Christmas

1954 • 120 minút
5 recenzií
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Tento film

"White Christmas" spins the romantic and humorous tale of Bob Wallace and Phil Davis (Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye), two Army buddies who became a top-notch musical comedy team after the war and are now the toast of Broadway. While on the road in Florida, the stars become involved with twe aspiring singers, the sister act of Betty and Judy (Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen). Despite some romantic complications between the couples, everything ends on a happy note when Christmas Eve brings rave reviews for the show and much-needed snowfall!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

5 recenzií
Sammy Kicklighter
22. decembra 2023
As good as it gets. Great talent, great music and honors military.
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Gary Halmbacher
25. decembra 2023
Ticks all the boxes for best Christmas movie of all time.
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