Robert Sanders
A lot of action, who cares if the hero is an unknown...he was true to the part. With so many movies of this kind painting the bad guy from somewhere's conceivable that someone in our own government COULD go crazy for a selfish reason. Of course, it's too late now to give up on the mid-east and let them keep their religious wars to themselves (as well as their extremists), even though the idea may have worked in earlier years. So much for the politics around the movie. It was a pleasure to watch and I did not want to even go on pause for a piece of Christmas pie!! (I admit the ending did not keep up with the plot, could have, and should have, been more dramatic.If you were watching you had to wonder how he got the codes!!) Loved the FLY BY!!!
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Same old story with an over the top American flag sucking theme. The story line and characters in this made me physically ill at times. I hope Jamie Foxx got a lot of money for this one because he was the only good thing about it. Could not have been more predictable. The special effects that should have made up for all that were just not there. If you have nothing else better to watch or you like mindless action movies go ahead.
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Beverly Beam
Solid film. Done fairly well. Just hard to take gorgeous Tatetum seriously in a lead role like this. Loved the "tour guide" thought he stole the show honestly. Jamie Foxx - while I enjoy his work as an actor, this role was spineless as I would have liked him to have made a stronger presence. Other than that, I'm a huge fan of the "computer savvy" actor who starred in the series Breakout Kings. Overall, good movie, but i don't need to see it again.
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