Who Was Phone?

2020 • 105 minutos
1 recensión
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Acerca desta película

After witnessing the murder of her boyfriend from mere inches away, college student Fiona Stephens and her friends struggle to unmask a hatchet-wielding serial killer. Their only clue - a phone call received moments before; the menacing voice on the other end belonging to Fiona's father - a man who died years prior! Who Was Phone? is the world's first Internet parody movie, weaving together 70+ memes/viral videos to form a modern day slasher. While only true Internet junkies will catch every last reference, legendary characters like Scumbag Steve, Bad Luck Brian and Epic Beard Man make appearances, as well as 'guy shoots himself in the foot', 'guy swallows bug', and many more! Inspired by true events.

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