Why Him?

2016. • 111 perc
2,78 E vélemény
17 év felettieknek
Böngészőben vagy támogatott eszközökön nézheted meg További információ
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Ned (Bryan Cranston), an overprotective dad, visits his daughter at Stanford where he meets his biggest nightmare: her well-meaning but socially awkward Silicon Valley billionaire boyfriend, Laird (James Franco). A rivalry develops and Ned's panic level goes through the roof when he finds himself lost in this glamorous high-tech world and learns Laird is about to pop the question.
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

2,78 E vélemény
Egy Google-felhasználó
2017. június 23.
Plenty of very funny moments and I'm glad I watched it. Most of the jokes land pretty solidly and the pace is quick enough that you forget about the ones that don't. I didn't feel much of a bond with the character of the daughter but the performance seemed fine and it just didn't connect for me. Maybe because she was mostly the straight man with everyone around her being really outrageous. She did have one scene where she let loose a little bit. They didn't nail the ending but it was still good. Overall an above average comedy with a very likeable cast.
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Egy Google-felhasználó
2017. április 1.
Not worth your time. Really. Tasteless to where it just becomes boring. If you're into raunch that keeps being repeated continually, to where you begin to get bored with the same basic dialogue over and over again, (nothing new) this movie's for you. I liked the dad, but the rest of the family tried to be funny...and weren't. So sad.
68 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
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Becky Bayardo
2017. július 14.
Think twice before watching this movie. This movie is very harsh! I watch half of the movie. It got tiring watching James Franco doing & saying crude things. Dont waste your time!
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