
2021 • 88 minút
2 recenzie
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Tento film

Ida moves in with her aunt and cousins after the tragic death of her mother. The home is filled with love but the family leads a criminal life. Ida confronts the same question her mother faced: What are you willing to sacrifice for family?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2 recenzie
B Shannon
1. júna 2022
This is an excellent thriller and probably only "terrible" to someone who struggles with subtitles. The movie is absolutely harrowing and tense and the feel is gritty. The world our heroine is forced into is slimy but she struggles against it. Super well acted, directed and shot this movie is as far as one can get from "terrible."
Bolo to užitočné?
Retrotrut Ahmed
22. januára 2022
Terrible movie
Bolo to užitočné?

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