Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

1971 • 99 minút
3,7 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Gene Wilder ("Blazing Saddles," "Young Frankenstein") stars in this magical, musical fantasy for the young, and the young at heart. The mysterious candy maker extraordinaire Willy Wonka hides a Golden Ticket inside five of his famous candy bars. The kids who find them are invited on a grand tour of the wondrous, wacky Wonka factory, and a chance for an even grander prize -- if they can resist temptation. The delightful musical score includes the hit song "The Candyman." From Roald Dahl's classic novel, produced by David Wolper ("Roots," "The Thorn Birds") and nominated for an Academy Award. MPAA Rating: G (c) 1971 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

3,7 tis. recenzií
Art Daugherty (xAD)
22. marca 2017
Wilder excels in adult fare because he looks like a creepy degenerate. For the same reason, he made an awful, disconcerting paedophile of a Wonka. And that in a movie that pointlessly and disappointingly veers away from the source material. As a child, and as an adult, I find this movie creepy and disappointing. It's no wonder they had to change the title. Seek the more modern movie with the title matching the book - from Depp's portrayal of Wonka as a childish shut-in to the story only deviating to add a bit of back-story to Wonka's character that *gasp* actually makes sense, it is by far the superior adaptation.
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Adam Matheny
9. mája 2016
Gene Wilder killed it. There are few movies I've seen more times than this, if any. The songs are on point and I never felt more grateful for having more than cabbage water for dinner. Kinda messed up how Charlie didn't invite his mom tho. And don't get me started on grandpa Joe's lazy self.
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Ti'Shaak Ra'en
16. januára 2014
If this movie wasnt a musical I would probably like more than I do but I hate musicals and when I was little this movie was a little boring but, my favorite part is when gene wilder acts like a complete psyco in the "Scary Tunnel" and I can quote most of his lines in that part, but I like the Depp one a little bit better because it stuck a little closer to the book and 2 pluses 1. Just like Tim Burton I hate musicals, 2. It has a handful of my favorite Actors and Actresses in it but dont go RAGE on me....
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