Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman

2015 • 83 minút
241 recenzií
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Tento film

The world knows Paul Newman as an Academy Award winning actor with a fifty-plus year career as one of the most prolific and revered actors in American Cinema. He was also well known for his philanthropy; Newman's Own has given more than four hundred and thirty million dollars to charities around the world. Yet few know the gasoline-fueled passion that became so important in this complex, multifaceted man's makeup. Newman’s deep seeded passion for racing was so intense it nearly sidelined his acting career. His racing career spanned thirty-five years; Newman won four national championships as a driver and eight championships as an owner. Not bad for a guy who didn't even start racing until he was forty-seven years old.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

241 recenzií
Michael Peters
28. marca 2016
The mark of a film that means the most to me in terms of how much I actually like it is measured by my disdain for distractions while viewing it. I watched this at home and really found it bothersome for other things to attempt to pull my attention away. I went into this knowing very little about Newman and found this story about this part of his life captivating beyond the racing and acting. This is about a man who simply wanted to be great beyond his capabilities, but within his passions. I never knew a man could simultaneously be both the ultimate version of humble and competitive.
Trey Truitt
2. júna 2015
While I never met PLN, let alone recall much of Paul Newman as a driver during my formative years, Carolla excellently portrayed the life of giant amongst men and I hate that I waited this long to download and watch it. Would be a huge disappointment if this doesn't get major doc award nominations, but ACE probably expects nothing from the powers that be.
Používateľ služieb Google
21. mája 2015
This is my favorite motorsports documentary by far. The picture quality was excellent and so was the sound when heard through studio headphones. I really want to get into racing now because of this film. Seeing Paul Newman, a talented and accomplished actor, find his absolute passion is what this movie is all about. I don't think you will find anyone who can't relate to this film. Good job, Adam Carolla!