Woman Walks Ahead

2018 • 102 minutu
70 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

Based on a true story, this riveting western follows a headstrong New York widow (Jessica Chastain) as she journeys west to meet Sioux chief Sitting Bull, facing off with an army officer (Sam Rockwell) intent on war with Native Americans.

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70 iritzi
Carlos Gomez
2020(e)ko azaroaren 9(a)
Sad very sad movie it shows us how humans can act in a way so barbaric no love for each other. and yet in today's world we are still behaving in a similar matter. How sad that this kind of behavior between humans can still take place. But loved it don't know why it took so long to see it i would recommend the 🎥 god bless us all. carlos Gomez
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Christine Mcculley
2019(e)ko abenduaren 4(a)
This movie broke my heart. My heart feels with such saddness for what not only happened to the Native Amercians, but the Jewish, The African Amercains & All the others who had there lifes cut down because of pure hatered & ect, This movie made me cry over what happened .
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Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2018(e)ko uztailaren 19(a)
As a Native person, I am so happy that the Native characters in this film are portrayed as real 3 dimensional humans. This is a first! & hopefully the beginning of Natives being represented accurately in the future. I like the story & people need to remember this IS a story not a documentary so the artist/writer that wrote it & the director have artistic liberty to tell the story how they feel it needs to be told. It was beautifully written & told. The violence had the right amount of attention given to it. I appreciate that. Michael Greyeyes makes you believe he is Sitting Bull. Stunning performances by all the actors in this film & Jessica Chastain is class.
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