Wonder Woman

2017年 • 141分
100 件のレビュー
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Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, when an American pilot crashes on their shores and tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat. Fighting alongside man in a war to end all wars, Diana will discover her full powers…and her true destiny.


100 件のレビュー
Private Citizen
Yeah the Amazons are are a tad bit kill crazy at the start of the movie. The rest of the movie was fine and fun enough. This Wonder Woman was naive to the world of men and Gods. It stands to reason while her mission was so black and white to her. To Steve and Aries it was more shades of grey concerning the world of Men. Wonder Women even kills Soldiers who she believes are fully under Aries spell. She is an Amazon and a Warrior. Would sentitment stop her from doing what need to be done? Somehow I don't think so. The third act is not as bad as some people made it out to be (imo). Wonder Woman is not some boy scout Superman.
Jack Wilson
I really enjoyed the film. As a comic book reader, it's clear to see where that they ensured they kept her origin story in line with the comic books while also leaving plenty of room for their own story and imagination. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine's chemistry really makes you feel like this is a perfect pairing for Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Personally I don't think I can fault the film at all.
I'm not a fan of DC at the best of times, just personal preference. I liked this though. Although it could have also been better. Would probably watch again, which is more than I can say for most other DC films.