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2019 • 116 минути
546 рецензии
Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, бугарски, германски, грчки, дански, естонски, индонезиски, италијански, кантонски, кинески (традиционално), латвиски, литвански, норвешки, полски, португалски, словенечки, тајландски, турски, унгарски, фински, холандски, хрватски, шведски и шпански.

За филмов

Jack Malik was just another struggling songwriter...but that was yesterday. After a mysterious blackout, Jack (Himesh Patel) discovers he is the only person on earth who remembers The Beatles! As he rockets to fame by passing off the Fab Four's songs as his own, Jack risks losing Ellie (Lily James) – the one person who has loved him and believed in him from the start. Before the door to his old life closes forever, Jack must decide if all he needs is love, after all. Kate McKinnon and Ed Sheeran also star in this romantic rock 'n' roll comedy from Academy Award®-winning director Danny Boyle and Academy Award®-nominated screenwriter Richard Curtis.

Оцени и рецензии

546 рецензии
Kate Olivier
23 март 2020
Started excellently. Was very funny. Original idea. But the public apology ruined it for me. They shouldn't have ended up together he was awful. Just cared about fame. Public apologies annoy me because the person basically has to forgive them because there's a whole crowd of people saying oh wow that's so sweet say you forgive him.
209 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
Neil Prior
17 март 2022
would be nice to be able to watch it. My account has been debited but when selecting watch now, error message video unavailable is displayed. Any suggestions, first time user, thanks!
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
Samantha Cotter
29 април 2020
So I wanted to watch it right BUT heres the thing, there is no purchase button on my screen anywhere, even if I go onto the app on my phone, it just says to add to my wishlist and if I scroll down the recommended movies all say a price, but this one doesn't and wont even allow me to purchase it
78 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?

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