Me the People: A Populist Handbook

2020年 • 76分
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Populist leaders such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Viktor Orban, and Matteo Salvini are defining the political climate of the West. In Canada, Quebec’s recently elected Prime Minister follows suit targeting visible minorities and immigrants and challenging the “multicultural” values that have defined the country. Most western nations have relied on immigration to ensure economic growth. What then is driving this new era of anti-immigration rhetoric? Me The People explores the shifting political landscape of the West and questions the growing divide between the Left and the Right and its impact on the rise of populism and ultimately, democracy. With a dwindling demography what would the West do without immigration? What will be the impact of western restrictive migration policies on the rising migrating populations escaping wars and climate related crisis? Powerful imagery, evocative soundscapes and a strong narration support this compelling story as policy experts from USA, Canada and Europe including authors, politicians and minority groups voice their views on the new world order.