You Were Never Really Here

২০১৮ • ৮৯ মিনিট
১৯২টি রিভিউ
ওয়েব ব্রাউজার বা ব্যবহারযোগ্য ডিভাইসে দেখুন আরও জানুন
আপনার ভাষায় অডিও কিংবা সাবটাইটেল উপলব্ধ নয়। সাবটাইটেল ইংরেজি ভাষায় আছে।

এই সিনেমার বিষয়ে

A former Marine and ex–FBI agent, Joe has seen one too many crime scenes and known too much trauma, and not just in his professional life. Solitary and haunted, he prefers to be invisible. He doesn't allow himself friends or lovers and makes a living rescuing young girls from the deadly clutches of the sex trade. But when a high-ranking New York politician hires him to extricate his teenage daughter from a Manhattan brothel, Joe uncovers a web of corruption that even he may not be able to unravel. When the men on his trail take the only person left in the world who matters to him, he forsakes his pledge to do no harm. If anyone can kill his way to the truth, it's Joe.

রেটিং ও পর্যালোচনাগুলি

১৯২টি রিভিউ
২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৮
Joaquin Phoenix is a great actor, but I don't think the writing for this movie did him any justice. I really didn't get the "veteran suffering from PTSD searches for girls forced into sex trafficking" vibe from him in this movie. It was more like "middle age man still dealing with childhood abuse has a thing for fantasizing killing himself on a regular basis and clearly needs a therapist". The ending is unfulling and has too many loose ends.
এটি কি আপনার কাজে লেগেছে?
Raul Duran
১৩ জুলাই, ২০১৮
Spectacular performances all around. A tour de force in on of the crudest approachs to human trafficking. There is not one hint in any trailer or preview that signaled that this was going to be "Die Hard 11" or "John Wick 5". If you enjoyed Soderbergh's The Limey, Boorman's Point Blank and Park's Oldboy, put them in a shaker, stirred them slowly and this what you'll get. Art and independent cinema lovers are welcomed, Action, explosions and martial arts buffs be warned.
৮ জন এই রিভিউ সহায়ক বলে মনে করেছেন
এটি কি আপনার কাজে লেগেছে?
একজন Google ব্যবহারকারী
১১ নভেম্বর, ২০১৮
I paid a whopping $5 to watch this, and it wasn't worth it. It took 45 minutes to get my attention, and then is just got weird. News flash to directors, flashbacks are lazy. It tried to be trippy and failed. Was brutally slow throughout, and for the most part uninteresting. Succeeded at being dark, but, that kind of thing is old hand now. Don't bother. Not even on a slow night.
এটি কি আপনার কাজে লেগেছে?

এই সিনেমাটিকে রেট দিন

আপনার মতামত জানান।