Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century

1999 • 97 minút
295 recenzií
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Tento film

Zenon is a mischievous 13-year-old girl who has lived all of her life on a space station with her family. Her curiosity gets her into trouble once too often and she's grounded, which in her world, means she's sent to Earth for her misdeed. In addition to learning how to handle gravity, Earth culture and Earthly teens, Zenon discovers an evil plot to destroy her space station home and must thwart the villain's plans.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

295 recenzií
Louis Edgar
8. novembra 2014
A must see film ! Brought me back memories to when this was realese on disney back in 1999 . I miss the old school disney this film is so futuristic in many ways , Steve Jobs late CEO of Apple , took the Idea of the I Pad from this film in which he saw with his kids which i thought was awsome , over all a must see movie.
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Trista Setsuna
11. februára 2015
I remember this from my younger years and it sucks.. if i can get a refund please let me know
5 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Dorothy Rolph
3. marca 2016
Disappointed because the dvd's are copies
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