Zombie Apocalypse

2012 • 83 minút
16 recenzií
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Tento film

Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumoured refuge on the island of Catalina. © Pinnacle Films 2012 (Original Title: Zombie Apocalypse)

Hodnotenia a recenzie

16 recenzií
Kevin O'Neill
7. júna 2014
It takes more than just a low budget or poor special effects to make a B grader, unfortunately this movie found the rest of the formula. While the acting was okay and the storyline decent enough (and there were even a few scenes that would have been genuinely good if the effects had been better), there's a few too many inconsistencies and contrived moments to keep up the suspension of disbelief.
Brett Sales
25. januára 2014
really bad special effects. Bad script. Zombie dog and tigers....
Rebecca G
11. júna 2014
Did not enjoy at all. Made for the SciFi channel.