Patrick Spike
2013(e)ko otsailaren 14(a) I did NOT seek this movie out. From the ads I didn't think it was for me at all, based on what seemed to be pretty low-brow style of humor. But I was so wrong. Saw just a part of it while visiting a friend and had to rent it and see it all. Since then bought it and watched many many more times.
Butterfly of Signs 33
2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 1(a) Okay, lets start off by saying that this movie is just hilarious. And second, ben stillers acting was so on par, but Will ferells acting as Mugatu was sooooooo hilarious, his tone of voice, the way he acted, hilarious. This movie a one of a kind funny movie that you wont find much today, HIGHLY RECCOMEND!!!