
1944 тАв 96 рморм┐рмирм┐рмЯрнНтАМ
36рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
рн▒рнЗрммрнН рммрнНрм░рм╛рмЙрмЬрм░рнН рмХрм┐рморнНрммрм╛ рм╕рморм░рнНрмерм┐рмд рмбрм┐рмнрм╛рмЗрм╕рмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХрм░рнЗ рмжрнЗрмЦрмирнНрмдрнБ┬армЕрмзрм┐рмХ рмЬрм╛рмгрмирнНрмдрнБ
рмирм╛ рмЕрмбрм┐рмУ рмирм╛ рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХ рмнрм╛рм╖рм╛рм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмз рмЕрмЫрм┐ред рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЗрмВрм░рм╛рмЬрнА (рмпрнБрмХрнНрмд рм░рм╛рм╖рнНрмЯрнНрм░)рм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмзред

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐ рм╕рморнНрммрмирнНрмзрм░рнЗ

When a ship of Americans and Britons is sunk by a missile from a German U-boat during WWII, the survivors must cope with the elements - and each other. The motley crew includes a wealthy, snobbish photo-journalist, a seaman who is a communist, a nurse, a mild-mannered radio operator, a seriously wounded Brooklynite, an insufferable businessman, a black steward and a mother driven half-mad by the death of her baby, whose body she is still carrying when she is pulled onto the lifeboat. Unfortunately, they know nothing about navigation, or survival at sea, and quickly begin to turn on each other. ┬аAnd when they pull the Nazi U-boat Captain out of the sea they have no choice but to trust his superior survival skills, even though the course he is steering is back to his boat, and he is taking them as prisoners of war.

рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмУ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛

36рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
Frederick Combs
рмЕрмЧрм╖рнНрмЯ 18, 2017
This film, so expertly filmed, completely in a lifeboat, the whole time, centers around the enemy, here in the form of a single person, during war time after a Lucitania-like sinking. What starts out as dealing with the enemy as an equal, soon reveals a fatal flaw in the act of good faith in your fellow man (the enemy) during a war. Hitchcock takes full advantage of what a human will do when faced with the enemy and the enemy takes full advantage. This story holds very true with what we are dealing with today, in terms of national security and terrorism around the world. Enemies count on their victim's good faith, which can prove deadly.
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
Robert Cantu
рмбрм┐рм╕рнЗрморнНрммрм░ 20, 2013
Great dialogue for it's time and still holds up to par for today. A film that answers and shows you all those questions, what would you do if I was in that situation.
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
Edward Karas
рмЬрнБрми 30, 2018
Intriguing movie, filmed in one setting, shows the techniques done by Hitchcock, also includes a very creative cameo of him in a newspaper ad.
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐рмХрнБ рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмХрм░рмирнНрмдрнБ

рмЖрмкрмг рмХрмг рмнрм╛рммрнБрмЫрмирнНрмдрм┐ рмдрм╛рм╣рм╛ рмЖрмормХрнБ рмЬрмгрм╛рмирнНрмдрнБред