Ryan Ladika
Man this was one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. Very anti-climactic and just really boring. The first hour where they go back and show how everyone got their powers is so slow, and Doom was defeated in about 4 minutes of a "final battle" if you could call it that. And for the people who say it's a good movie, you obviously don't know the difference between a good and a bad movie. This movie had absolutely nothing going for it; I would've rated 0 stars but I can't...
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christopher wallace
Lmgdaooo. Yea just like everyone said this movie is bad and I mean really bad lol smh ... But I will say that there were 2 or 3 moments of potential. The part where they got their powers and started to change had a somewhat of a David Cronenberg's "The Fly" type of Horror but that only lasted for a minute and never had a follow-up to it. The cast wasn't bad but they just had bad writing and horrible Direction. And the one and only fight scene at the end could have been good but you can tell it was rushed.
38 people found this review helpful

Joe Wells
This movie is without a doubt the worst attempt by a major studio to cash in on the PC culture of today. The film is terrible. It leaves the mythos out of the source material, and divides the audience to watch this drivel. Josh Trank had an excellent and original movie in Chronicle so the expectations were high for this. From te first scene to the end it is terrible and downright offensive. You will be better served to watch the 1994 version which was never even widely released. This movie is not worth your time, energy, or anything else. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CRAP!!!!
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