A Google user
thrillers that I have ever seen. it takes a lot to scare me but I actually watched it 4 * and each time there was something I missed. I actually put myself in her place and I was scared many many kudos to everyone that starred in that movie and the director and the one that wrote it I can't remember everyone but I hope he comes out with another one you want a good horror flick check this out.

A Google user
i'm a HUGE horror movie buff - you name it, i've seen it. The Skeleton Key is one of my favorites, there are not a lot of movies like this that play up cultural "folks tale" in an eerie way. its not gory but it is eerie! its worth a watch :D

Jade Hyena
This movie ticked me off!! I was really in to it and yeah sure twist ending are cool. Plus I live in spitting distance of Louisiana, so voodoo stuff around here isent new. But this movies ending had me so fresking mad I was glad I only borrowed it from a friend. He even said he wont watch it again! Is it good to see, ehh maybe if you really want to watch it. I say rent it first though, I get mad just seeing the picture for it.